It’s coming down to the wire for our year-end goal, but with just $9,396 to go , we’re confident we can get there by midnight. You can help put us over the top with a donation right now! DONATE NOW >> Don’t wait until the last minute, make your tax-deductible donation now and enjoy the good feeling of supporting in-depth, independent journalism about the issues facing your community. Your support in any amount — $75, $50 or even $25 — is vital to our team of talented reporters and the work they have planned for 2019 . A year-end tax-deductible donation from you will have an impact through our distinct style of journalism, going beyond the headlines and deep into the most pressing issues facing Minnesota. [cms_ad:x100] DONATE NOW >> And a big thanks to the supporters who’ve already donated this month . Your generous donations from all corners of the state (and beyond!) are crucial to our nonprofit newsroom. Here are a few reasons people are supporting MinnPost during...