Trump campaign chutzpah: attacking Obama over Russians’ 2016 election efforts
The emperor Napoleon had a slogan for military matters and life in general. “L’attaque, l’attaque. Toujours l’attaque.” (Attack, attack. Always attack). Roger Stone is credited with another slogan: “Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counteraccusations.”
I think we have, in those two rules of life, a pretty fast start on the modus operandi of Stone’s buddy, President Donald Trump. It seems obnoxious and amoral, not what I would teach my children, but its practitioner attacked and denied his way into the Oval Office, and despite a mountain of evidence of his less-than-Lincolnian wisdom, virtue and modesty, there he remains, attacking, denying and counteraccusing his brains out.
I’ve noted enough times that — notwithstanding the famous statement in the Mueller report that Trump is “not exonerated” on the issue of obstruction of justice — His Excellency nonetheless continues to insult the intelligence of his base by claiming that the report granted him “total and complete exoneration.” OK. Must try to stop making that point, although I doubt His E will stop repeating the opposite lie, as if it were proven fact.
But in the category of counterattack and counteraccusations, I’ll just mention that in one of the latest in the endless stream of e-mails that the “Trump Pence Trump Make America Great Again Committee” sends to its list, asserts:
“The Waste of Money Mueller Report is out and we know two things for sure: There was NO COLLUSION or OBSTRUCTION by President Trump.” (and, second thing) “Obama knew about potential Russian interference in the 2016 Election and did virtually nothing to stop it. Obama’s administration knew in 2014 that the Russians were planning to interfere and what did he do? HE DROPPED THE BALL (just like he did during his entire presidency).
“Now that we know the truth about Cheatin’ Obama’s disgraceful actions, President Trump wants to know what YOU think, Your Name Here. That’s why we launched the Official Obama-Russia Accountability Survey to see what American voters think of Obama’s failure to protect American Elections.”
In this TPTMAGA email, after alleging that Trump’s predecessor, whom he affectionately dubs “Cheatin’ Obama” (not sure what cheatin’ that’s about), failed to stop the Russian hacking of the 2016 election (which the TPTMAGA fails to mention was done to benefit Trump’s chances), His Excellency is agitating for an investigation into why Obama was derelict in his duty to, presumably, save the country from the Trump presidency.
And this one, as usual, ends with a request for donations.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, as click bait, one assumes, the email also asks supporters of the TPTMAGA committee to take a one-question survey. The question is:
“Do you believe Obama doing nothing gave Russians the green light to interfere in the 2016 election?”
Chutzpah, thy name is Trump.
from MinnPost
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